SOLD $222,000 - Guiding Territory
Great Guiding area in the Chilcotin
If you are looking to get in cat hunting or you need more quota, that’s the area you are looking for.
You can revenue this in two seasons, and still have lots more species to hunt for.
The mule deer hunting is unbelievable.
A big area from the Chilcotin River in the South all the way up to the Itcha Ilgachuz Provincial Park in the North. . It is a world of few roads, little industry, and pockets of people. It has an impressive diversity of wildlife, including moose, rare white pelicans, trumpeter swans, bears, lynx, wolves, mountain caribou, and hundreds of wild horses, set in the last intact grasslands in the world.
The quota for moose is 12 in 5.
No equipment or buildings included.